Calling all Salford Unwaged Carers*… Fill in @Gaddumcharity #survey and be in with a chance to win one of three £50 Vouchers from their prize draw!
The survey is to understand:
• Your experiences of being a carer in Salford.
• How supported you feel by Health & Social Care services.
So make yourself a brew. Fill in the survey. Enter the prize draw.
The info will be used to help refresh the city-wide strategy to support Salford carers. It’ll take approximately 25 mins to complete, but has easy tick boxes, with the option for you to add extra information if you want. www.surveymonkey.com/r/LTWZQJ8
*A carer is anyone who cares, unwaged, for a family member, partner, friend or neighbour, who due to illness, disability, a mental health condition, substance misuse, or frailty cannot cope without their support. Includes those receiving Carer's Allowance, a Carer's Personal Budget etc.