There are three main strands to the work of Salford CVS:
The organisation’s mission, vision, values and priorities are all captured in the organisation’s current Strategic Plan 2018-2024

Mission - Making a Difference in Salford
Vision - A robust Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector that meets the diverse needs and aspirations of the people of Salford
Salford CVS: Strategic Priorities 2018-2024

As you can see, we have decided to focus on six distinct themed areas of work as our strategic priorities in the years 2018 – 2024.
These themes have emerged from feedback gleaned from our VCSE sector colleagues, including current users of our existing services; via the Vocal VCSE Forums we facilitate; from our strategic work with key partners from across sectors in both Salford and Greater Manchester; from reviewing other key strategies such as Salford’s Locality Plan, Tackling Poverty Strategy, Employment and Skills Strategy, Volunteering Strategy, and so on; from our work as core members of Salford Social Value Alliance and Salford Social Enterprise City; and last but not least, utilising intelligence gleaned from our own staff and trustees.
Each themed area has three strands of work against which we will deliver our services. These 18 work strands will form our annual operational plan, against which we will report our achievements and impact in our annual report and at our public AGM. These will be reviewed annually.
To review our progress against these strategic priorities and work strands please view our latest Annual Report.