Short Break Care Fund (Large Grants)

Short Break Care Fund

About the fund

The Short Break Care Fund (Large Grants) will be offering grants in the range of £15,000-£50,000 to support high-quality group-based activities for children with special education needs and disabilities (SEND) in Salford. The funding is to provide a range of activities that meet the needs and interests of children with SEND, whilst enabling their parents and carers to have short breaks from their caring responsibilities. 

Activities will be for children and young people who meet all the following criteria:

  • 5yrs to 17yrs 11months
  • Salford resident
  • Has a special educational need or disability (SEND)
  • Has difficulty accessing universal services in the local community due to the level or complexity of their disability

The Short Break Care Fund is managed by Salford CVS on behalf of Salford City Council.

Deadline to apply: 12pm (midday) on Monday 3rd March 2025 


How to apply 

This is a two step application process. Before you apply, please read the guidance notes in full to ensure you meet the eligibility criteria of the fund.  

Step 1: Create a sample listing for your proposed project on the online bookings platform, Eequ. 

Step 2: Complete and submit the application form (Word), project budget (Excel) and Salford Safeguarding Standards Self-Assessment (Word) to Salford CVS ahead of the application deadline, along with any relevant supporting documents. 

For full details, see the guidance notes.


Application deadline 

12pm (midday) on Monday 3rd March 2025.


Meet the Funder

Salford CVS, Salford City Council and Eequ will be hosting an online Meet the Funder event for prospective applicants on Thursday 13th February at 12.00pm-1.30pm, to discuss the fund in more detail and how to apply. We strongly recommend interested providers prioritise attending this session.

To book visit Short Break Care (Large Grants) - Meet the Funder | Salford CVS


Key documents 

Fund Guidance Notes (Word)
Fund Guidance Notes (PDF)
Project Budget Template (Excel)
Application Form (Word)
Safeguarding Standards Self-Assessment Template (Word)
Guide - Creating a Sample Listing on Eequ